Composing & Producing in Ableton Live
The Newcomers Guide
Are you a musician or a songwriter who is really creative and is always coming up with ideas but you are still struggling to get your ideas out of your head and into the world? Then this course is just what you need!
In this course you will learn the following WORKFLOW
During the process of creating this course, I ended up boiling down over 20 years of experience into just four basic steps:
1. Gathering Ideas
2. Arranging Ideas
3. Refining Ideas
4. Sharing Ideas
Let me briefly go over each of these steps.
Gathering Ideas consists of starting off with a feeling or an idea that you would like to explore and coming up with various sonic sketches on different instruments that express it.
Once you have gathered enough of these sketches, the second step consists of arranging them into a sonic narrative with a beginning, middle and end, in other words a song structure that will take the listener on a journey.
When the basic arrangement has been created, the third step is all about refining it and making it the best it can be.
And finally the fourth step is all about polishing it up and getting it ready to share with your audience, by creating a basic mix and then exporting it into its final shareable form.
And that’s it!