Make Music With Ease on Ableton Push 2

Stage One: Composition
An Introduction to the main processes and workflows necessary for basic composition using the ableton PUSH 2

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Have PUSH4life aka Eshan Khadaroo, as your personal
online ABLETON PUSH coach.

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” top_padding=”10″ width=”460″]Eshan Khadaroo is a British musician based in Germany. He has performed with Grammy award winning artists such as Cirque Du Soleil, Blue Man Group, Imogen Heap, and many more. After he purchased an ableton PUSH 2 in Dec 2015, he saw the future and never looked back. He is the creator of one of the most popular ableton PUSH 2 tutorials currently on youtube.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” top_padding=”10″ width=”460″]Not only have 100’s of hours of intense practice and experience been condensed into 6+ hours of tutorials. The production of this course took 12 weeks of solid work as documented on PUSH4lifes instagram.
You can now get access to it all for a very reasonable €89
You can now get access to it all for a very reasonable €89

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Focus Only On ESSENTIAL Processes and Workflows
Decades of Experience in Distilled Form
Focus Only On ESSENTIAL Processes and Workflows
Ableton Live and PUSH 2 can be overwhelming if you are new to them. This course only focuses on the essential processes and workflows necessary in order to compose your own music.
Decades of Experience in Distilled Form
Time is our most precious asset these days, so every exercise has been distilled to its most essential form in order to get across the necessary principles. Nothing more and nothing less.[/text_block]

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Simple and Straight to the Point
Simple and Straight to the Point
This course does not assume any foreknowledge of the PUSH 2. Every step is explained in order for you to understand everything that is going on.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”13″ font_color=”%23b5b5b5″ width=”940″]© PUSH4life 2016 – Top of the Line Education Surrounding Ableton Push[/text_block]